On your back, I LOVE YOU (PartT)
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ed a timely help. TAKESHI is, and always go to DOZOU of SHIZU, because there put bone pot, I was feeling uncannily. The next day in the afternoon, SHIZU and TAIRA the Tomb of enshrinement
We arrived at. Cicada cry has been sounded. It was a long time in the grave. Go to the main hall of the temple, multiplied by the voice. Young monk from the back came out. SHIZU The "your priest?", "Now I asked, I am the chief priest. Predecessor last year, and we were "passed away, the answer" predecessor, while there is in the body of the priesthood, and resonance to the idea of Mr. GIEMON, Tomb of enshrinement
In contains. Young only to ..., Is TAMURA-san? With ", he said. SHIZU is "Yes, is the daughter of GIEMON", was the answer. SHIZU is, is also up to the priest, Tomb of enshrinement
I was surprised to be staying on to. Tomb of enshrinement along with the young priest two people
I was standing in front of. SHIZU was again surprised. Tomb of enshrinement
Tombstone what, but there was in front of mom, epitaph and the Crypt-dong has increased, pond around also was there been extended. Looking at the front of the tombstone, there human beings and animals are also carved that it is the same
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